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According to the American Cancer Society, the average age that someone is diagnosed with lung cancer is about 70. There are steps you can take now, while you’re younger, to decrease your risk of getting lung cancer in the future.

This includes getting your older home tested for radon, a harmful natural gas that is the second leading cause of lung cancer. You can usually purchase at-home testing kits at your local hardware or home improvement store, or order online from a larger distributor. The tests should be done at the lowest point of your home, like a basement, or in the room where you spend the most time. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, if your test shows a radon level of 4 or higher, you should take action to reduce the amount of the natural gas in your home. The good news is there are businesses that specialize in the removal of radon from homes, since about 1 in 15 homes in the United States has an elevated level of the gas.

Putting an end to tobacco use is also a key factor in protecting yourself against lung cancer. Many people know this fact, but it can still be very hard to quit. The risk also just doesn’t include traditional cigarettes, but all forms of tobacco. There’s just no safe way to use tobacco. Finding a community support group, or online resources like those offered through the American Cancer Society, can be helpful in finally ending this addictive habit and ultimately, drastically reducing your chances of lung cancer.

For more information, or to educate yourself about lung cancer, take this quick quiz from the American Cancer Society.